All methods use MEO Wallet’s custom variant of Basic Authentication.
You must create an Authorization header with “WalletPT ” concatenated with your developer token.
For example, for the token 7a0eb41208209639eda9bf765b6cb04d59fb9e34 the authentication header should look like:
Authorization: WalletPT 7a0eb41208209639eda9bf765b6cb04d59fb9e34
Please note that API tokens are linked to wallets so if you are using a merchant account with multiple wallets the Authorization header is how you tell MEO Wallet to which business the operation belongs to.
To get your merchant API Key, log into your merchant account, then click O Meu Negócio and then Chaves de API.
Once there just click to see the API Key. The 40 characters token you’ll see there is the string you should use to authenticate each and every method call.
Remember to keep your API token in a safe place at all times. Here’s some considerations and bad patterns you should avoid:
Here’s our official security page for more information and good pratices (in Portuguese).