Sandbox Environment

We provide you access to a MEO Wallet sandbox environment for integration testing of our APIs. The sandbox backoffice is located at and the API endpoint is at

The Sandbox does not handle real money. Do not try to use real payment methods on this environment. Use the fake cards bellow to fund your wallet.

As an example the method URL on the official documentation becomes on the sandbox environment.

To start your tests you need to register yourself as a merchant on the sandbox and get your API key. You should register one or more end user accounts so you can do an end to end test (you can’t pay something to yourself).

We provide a MEO Wallet Sandbox mobile application to enable end to end testing of all the payment scenarios. You can get this application by following the links for iOS and Android or search the stores for “mw Sandbox”.

Some important information you should be aware of regarding the sandbox environment:

  • It’s similar to the production environment in all its features and API calls.
  • Newly registered accounts are automatically validated and are ready to use, for convenience.
  • You should never enter sensitive data such as real credit cards or real personal documents on the sandbox website.
  • You can use the same email address as you’re using in the production environment but you shouldn’t use the same password.
  • The sandbox accounts and their data aren’t shared with the production environment in any way. They’re completely segregated.
  • The easiest way to fund your test accounts is via Credit Card. You can use these test cards for that purpose:

  • You can test using cards with two different flows:
    • Frictionless cards: do not require an explicit 3D Secure 2 authentication.
    • Challenge cards: require a cardholder authentication with an OTP.

    • VISA:
    Type Number Success OTP Fail OTP
    Frictionless 4176660000000027 - -
    Challenge 4176660000000092 0101 3333
    Type Number Success OTP Fail OTP
    Frictionless 5299990270000368 - -
    Challenge 5299910010000015 4445 9999
  • These cards will work with any CVC and future expiration date.